
Disability Studies is flourishing at UCSC.

We are interested in building the Disability Studies Minor students are demanding, and course are already being taught in courses across campus.

We are also dedicated to creating a culture of access on campus. Please consider our principles of community.

In 2022-23, Amy Vidali and Megan Moodie co-led a “disability cluster” through The Humanities Institute. We are hosted several events.

We welcome your access requests. Please contact webmaster Amy Vidali at avidali@ucsc.edu.

The photograph shows black disabled activist and artist Leroy Moore. He has short cropped hair, a mustache and a beard. He is standing bare-chested, with his hands together out in front of him. The text above him reads: “All bodies are unique and essential. All bodies are whole. All bodies have strengths and needs that must be met. We are powerful not despite the complexities of our bodies, but because of them. We move together, with no body left behind. This is disability justice.” Photograph ©Richard Downing; text ©Patty Berne